Just a short note to you all. I went in today for news of the scan and for treatment. It was sort of a good news/bad news deal. The scan was good showing a 10% shrinkage in the tumors. But the two month effort has left me too beatup to get treatment. So Nugget sent me home to recoup for one cycle. Try to gain a few pounds back.
Some I am home at the ranch. Will be making it out to the airport to pick up My Rebecca this evening. So, that’s the situation. Catch you tomorrow. Please pray for me. Love, Felipe.
Phil, you are in my prayers daily! Buen Camino, my friend. . . Jim
Buen Camino Jim! Thanks, Felipe.
Praying for you just before I write these words.
Today I was in the waiting room of an oncologist waiting for my Ann (who does not have cancer) and in walks a former co-worker, recently diagnosed. We catch up a little, and I told him a short version of your story, offer him a copy of the DVD and it was an encouragement to him.
Thank you for being Filipe, my friend. Hugs to both Rebecca and you.
Ron ~ Go to hear Ann is OK. And nice job encouraging your friend. Yours, Felipe.
Ron ~ hi, glad to Hear Ann is OK. And nice job encouraging your friend. Felipe.
Hola Felipe,
These are “great news” Felipe! Tumors have shrunk , you will be off treatment (and it’s side effects for a little bit) and you have green light to eat dessert first, cakes for breakfast, and chocolate after dinner…!
Well, you know I have a creative mind! (And love desserts and cakes and chocolate!)
Definitely keeping you in my thoughts.
Fattening love,
Cris ~ haha, fattening love, I like it! I am trying to eat, it’s a challenge. Dessert first really?! Haha, Felipe.x
Hey Phil,
10% loss is still a win. Would do you good to recoup a bit anyways probably. Hope to see you guys soon.
Ryck ~ yea, my doc was happy but I’m sitting there in my corner with three black eyes. It was a lot of work. Hope to see you soon, Felipe.
Hey Buddy-
Tumors down; battle scars up. On balance, seems like you’ve come out even-steven at worst; more likely is that you made progress in a good direction. (Keep on walkin’, right? Blisters happen…) Plus, now you can watch TV all day and eat Bob Bons, right? For a couple of weeks?
Take it easy for now. Really. I am happy to hear this news!
Love you and hold you in my thoughts. I’m thinking about Rebecca’s chocolate cake…
Esteban ~ yea, feeling like Rocky sort of. Major fun going on. Felipe.
Hi Phil,
I don’t often post a comment but I look forward to reading your blog each day and am praying every day! Holding you up now also, Michelle
Michelle ~ thanks so much. Trying hard, Felipe.x
You are always in my prayers. Glad for the shrinkage, and now hopeful for the increase in weight/waist size! Love you.
Annie ~ it’s an ass kicker these days. Felipe.x
You have 37 fourth graders praying for you daily. They are so faithful in their daily prayers for you…8:15 every morning you are on our minds and in our hearts as we offer our prayers asking God to protect you.
Loretta ~ you are my hero! Thanks for the reminder. I can see all your little charges in my mind. Hello to Bruce and those other people, you know those Marauders. Miss you all, Felipe.x
Hooboy, hard to compete with 37 4th graders (!) but I do pray without ceasing for you, Felipe. And it seems that your straight talk to those tumors is cutting them down to size, as it were! Enjoy all the goodness that Your Rebecca provides!
Mary Margaret
MM ~ I know, those fourth graders got the horsepower! We met them all last November, adorable little guys. And thank you for your prayers. Hooboy loves, Felipe.
Hey there, Felipe. Well, dang. God sure has a way of getting us to stop and take a moment, doesn’t he? Tell you what…this will make you smile….eclairs! Being a Church Lady now, I’ve got the church key. No, it doesn’t open beers….even better. In being with Jesus today, as I will tomorrow, know my prayers are many for you and My Rebecca. Love you two! Xoxo