It’s Sunday and I am going to take a break from the Camino/ Lourdes Intersection for something completely different. I was just out trying to make some progress on the weeds in the corn. The corn could almost be a full time job if I let it. But in the corn news is something else. Our son Wiley unveiled his latest tattoo to me minutes ago. And he said that it was in my honor. So what could that be but a nice big ear of corn on his bicep! It’s the Cornmino! Well how about that?
I have the Sunday afternoon walk in moments. The weather has been totally goofy the last few days. Sun, wind, clouds, hail in didderent combinations. Well, we will see who shows up.
I just received a new rosary crafted by my friends in the fourth grade class at St Joseph School in Upland, CA. We had a fund raiser here at Phil’s Camino and raised a few dollars for a class party for them. I hear that they voted to do a three way split with the funds. Some went to a charity, some went to materials for the rosaries and some went toward their festivities. So a good time was had by all.
And I am off to California next weekend for a showing of Phil’s Camino – So Far So Good. Will try and remember to give you details in tomorrow’s post. We need a full house.
Full house loves, Felipe.
Felipe’ ~
Buen Cornmino, my fellow Peregrino! 🌾 🚶🏻♂️🌽
Short trip up in a couple weeks, then maybe in early July. See how the wind blows.
Now, about in California, that crazy state. Oh, yes. I’m here, too…oops!
If you or Annie gets me the info, I’ll blast it everywhere I can. I walked with folks on the Holy Path from the SanFran area. A heads up and hope they’ll bring friends. And, maybe I’d even do a train up and back as a shot in the armicamino! 💪🏼🚶♀️
Xo to you and My Rebecca. Sherie
Sherie ~ OK, looking forward to seeing you when you get up this way. And the details are on FB for the showing in Pacific Grove. Annie put something nice up and spelled a word wrong. Only one, thought that was good. Hehe. I’m trying to round up some of my guys too. Felipe.x