Lent is here, that is. We are at the doorstep of Easter once again. As usual I have not given it the thought and meditation that it deserves but I think it is salvageable if I jump on it. Can’t be the only one who tends to leave things to the last minute.
Here is my idea. Five years ago I read Annie O’Neil’s Everyday Camino with Annie throughout Lent. This was the period that I was walking my backyard Camino and trying hard to catch a glimpse of pilgrimage. What a help it was, this little book.
It was made to be lightweight and highly transportable. It is not overly wordy. There are forty essays or thoughts to accompany the reader on a forty day journey as in the Camino Frances or in this case Lent. Just a clarification on the forty days of Lent that is the whole period not counting Sundays. Don’t ask me.
Jessika and I are off to Mass this evening to our St. John Vianney Parish. I just learned that he is the patron saint of priests. Also coming up this Sunday is the Daylight Savings change of time. Hurrah! That always feels so good to me. And that means that the afternoon walks at Phil’s Camino change from the wintertime 3:30 to the summertime start of 4:00.
OK, so great, we know what we are doing for the next forty days. Every one of Annie’s essays starts with a quote. And maybe everyday of this blog, except Sunday’s I will put that in someplace. Like right here for today: “Every step of the journey is the journey. Zen saying”.
OK, enough for now. Thanks for being here with us. Buen Camino on your Lenten journey.
Zen loves, Felipé.