I think that I missed doing our daily Lenten thought from Annie’s book yesterday. So maybe we will try and do two here and do the catch-up. So let’s start with Day 11:
“God is also substance, the essence from which all things come.” William Earle Cameron.
Yes, I can see that. And He can be what he wants to be on top of everything else of course. That sounds like kind of a glib answer but it’s not really. Personally I have given up trying to think about what God is or isn’t. I have to come to the conclusion that I don’t have the capacity to get to first base on that and that trust is actually the key component that is most important. I trust that my Camino will be just the right one for me.

And two we have this quote for Day 12:
“Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity! I say, let your affairs be as two or three, and not a hundred or a thousand.”
Henry David Thoreau
Yes, here is one that we can chew on for sure. This is so much something to learn on our pilgrimage. Take what you need and leave the rest. Yes, yes. We want to take the cure for any and every problem that might arise. But we have to pare down to the essentials and learn to trust, there is that word again, that we will be taken care of by one angel or another.
Well, and that goes for “affairs” too. To keep things easy and uncomplicated as possible with people too. There is no need for most of the drama that passes for relations these days. We can make things a lot smoother without much effort. Or sometimes effort is required but it will be well spent.
Yes, and with me, I am off and running with my clinical trial that turns up as my next course of treatment. It is pill form this time and I just took my very first one. So we hope and pray for the very best for the Phil/Felipé team. Will keep you posted.
OK, time to head off and get down the road. A short visit to the hospital today.
Enjoy the weather loves, Felipé.
That my dear Felipe is participating on a clinical trial has given my job such a real sense of purpose… Thank you, Phil! (My eyes are a little bit wet)
Big love,
Cris ~ I got done with all the reading, signing and counciling today and actually took the first pill. So, it is one a day for three weeks and then I go in for blood work and to see Dr Gold. Then every six weeks a scan. Hoping that the side effects are mild. I had a funny thing happen today. I got done with everything and I was so excited about the sunny day that I left the hospital in a hurry without having my port deaccessed. I didn’t realize it till I got all the way home and had to turn around and drive all the way back. Crazy. Alperfect, Felipé.x