Man, another nice day in the making. Sherie is coming to be here for the day. We are going to shoot some arrows and do some clean up on the trail. It is spring cleanup time after all the wind storms that we have had. There might be some wind coming in tomorrow yet, so not quite “out like a lamb.”
Geez, it was good to see Steve yesterday. It just felt restorative being out in the sunshine working and playing. We moved some gravel into a low watery place on the trail in the woods. It looks so official now. And he had brought a new bow which I tuned up and got to shoot for a few hours. What a sweet one, has mojo.
I guess I got all philosophied out with all the figuring out we have been doing lately. That was all great, right? I have to balance all that with some physical activity. That was another aspect of the Camino that was so great the balance of the physical with all the other stuff that was going on. Of course we had better ask our feet that maybe. They might have a little different story.
Kelly my good old Camino walking partner is have a hip replacement this month. Please say a prayer for the guy. I should give him a call.
OK, I’m good, you’re good, the sky is blue. Work hard, play hard loves, Island Felipe.