Cris our South American Bureau Chief just checked in with a comment that we will gladly discuss here today. I was wondering what I was going to blog about today and violá. This material, the book material, is so rich that it seems to spawn more and more for us. It is a font.
So Cris wrote that she was just feeling a sense of well-being from just completing a mission to help others. There was a need and she stepped in to cover that for someone. And her thought was that so often this act comes back to enrich us the giver. That maybe in this we the giver are the “victim” that needs the help.
To be more specific in terms of someone that has cancer if they were able to get outside themselves and their own concerns to participate in this give and take it would be healing. It could be placed in at least three os of the nine factors that we have been covering. But that is really neither here nor there, not important really. What is important is establishing connections and
getting away from isolation.
For me finding the Camino and joining in that social “give and take” gave me that connection and focus that we are talking about. And there is no end to it really, as it just keeps on giving. How lucky I am, how lucky we are.
We are walking today later at 4. There are some folks from out of town to join us, new folks. Janet, a veteran, is here also for a few days. So, the camaraderie continues. Come by when you get a chance. Miss you loves, Felipe.
Gracias Felipe!
You may want to listen to this conversation between Krista Tippet and Jean Vanier… I listened to it before, but this time, it spoke to me differently, very deeply… Listen to the unedited conversation, or you can play the video too… the conversation was filmed… He speaks a lot about it…in such a tender and “real” way…
Audio> https://onbeing.org/programs/jean-vanier-the-wisdom-of-tenderness/
Video> https://vimeo.com/462130
Definitely, shared love,
Thanks Cris. I have never heard these two names before you brought them up. I will check it out. Felipe.x