More, more and more on fear! I had a conversation last evening with Janet from LA. We get together once a week for energy work. We were talking about fear and she said something important to our conversation. She said that when you start to fear get into the present. And I have have been thinking about that. Most fear is about the future, in some way a loss of the future or loss of some aspect of life in the future. Not much of fear is actually us confronting a saber toothed tiger, that would be legitimate fear.
But most of our fear is based on loss of something in our future. And that’s what Cancer largely does. That diagnosis robs us of our future days, days that be made all these plans for. Good plans, solid plans, healthy plans, they disappear. But if we get out of the future and switch to the present that doesn’t seem to matter, right?
Maybe we are too attached to our plans. Maybe we more or less live there most of the time. That seems OK til Cancer or some other man eating critter knocks. Then it is a different story.
Then we lose that capacity to plan. Maybe that is the big fear to not be able to plan.
Anyway, celebrating small victories of our day to day life seems a way to live without major plans. Planning for today and maybe tomorrow seems like enough to me lately. It seems sufficient somehow. And maybe other days will appear. Maybe life becomes way less stressful and more days appear because things are easier. All of a sudden you have a week and then maybe a month and look it’s time for another Veranda.
Fear and combating it seems big items to me. And I am starting to realize that our own personal success affects our neighbor. And his or her success affects us. As we make progress against fear we all tend to profit. We change the environment.
Environmental loves, Felipé.
Hi boss,
This is a very Buddhist post! One thing about Buddhism that I feel is very right is this focus on the present… when in the Christian tradition, for years and years we were taught to focus on the future, on the life after death and how our choices in the present would not be so much for our peace of mind and spirit today, but for the life after death.
We know that: the secret for a well lived life is to make the most of each day… if we think we can leave it for tomorrow or next month or next summer or … we are not exactly making plans, but taking for granted that there is a tomorrow… when in fact, none of us really has certainty about.
Let’s make the most of today Loves,
Cris ~ good you hear from you again. I don’t think that I used the word “expectations” in that post but that is what I was getting at. Learning to live without expectations about the future is what I had to learn. Sometimes our expectations are so strong that they appear to be our reality. On I go to another blogpost now. Felipé.x