You know when your local TV has Shark Week and they play everything that they can dig up to convince you never to go in salt water again, it’s like that. So I thought we should have Fear Week. I could blame this on Ronaldo’s post on Friday. Or I could blame it on what I usually wind up talking about during my film QandA’s. Or maybe I blame it on Cancer introducing me to a whole new level of fear. (Note the capital C on cancer. Somewhere along the line I started doing that to give this disease the recognition that it deserves. It is a major player in our world.)
The good news is that I believe I can work on lessening the fear in my own life. I believe that you can do that too. I believe that some how doing this on an individual level influences the world around us. We have the privilege and the duty to work on this.
I have come to the conclusion that the phenomenon of Cancer is much more than the disease itself. It is wrapped in a whole world of fear which we collectively have placed there largely unknowingly. We have built that and therefore we can tear it down. That’s my theory and I’m sticking to it!
Below is John O’s take on how we work together:
“The world is not decided by action alone. It is decided more by consciousness and spirit; they are the secret sources of all action and behavior. The spirit of a time is an incredibly subtle, yet hugely powerful force. And it is comprised of the mentality and spirit of all individuals together. Therefore, the way you look at things is not simply a private matter. Your outlook actually and concretely affects what goes on. When you give in to helplessness, you collude with despair and add to it. When you take back your power and choose to see the possibilities for healing and transformation, your creativity awakens and flows to become an active force of renewal and encouragement in the world. In this way, even in your own hidden life, you can become a powerful agent of transformation.”
Excerpt from the books: Benedictus (Europe) /
To Bless the Space Between Us (US)
Ordering Info: https://johnodonohue.com/store
Co. Clare / Ireland – September 2019
Photo: © Ann Cahill
Remember no play can do fear week like we can!
new week loves, Felipé.
Great post this morning Phil.
I offer this simple answer.
FEAR is Forgetting
Everything is
Trust Hope Faith. These are AMAZING healing elements.
With Gratitude.
William. C.C.B.C.
William ~ Yes, thank you. We are strengthening each other! Felipé.