You know how useful duct tape is. I really don’t know how mankind survived this far without it. You can hold almost anything together. When you get mauled by that pesky bear you can wrap yourself up and hike back to town and the clinic. Mythbusters survived on a desert island with a palate of the stuff, then they built a boat and sailed away. Yea, so not to get outdone Caminoheads has come up with the world’s smallest duct tape fix. This is something that could be extremely useful out on the trail where sometimes little things can make a whole lot of difference.
Sunglasses are important, right? You are darn right! Well, there is a little screw in the hinge of the frame of those, well actually two, one each side, two hinges. So, the little screw comes out and you find it, a small miracle, and put it back. Then this happens a few more times and you know that you are crawling around on thin ice and next time maybe you won’t be so lucky as to find it. So you take them to get fixed at the glasses store like you should have done in the first place. But guess what, it falls out again. So what do you do? Or what do you do if you are out on the trail, duct tape of course.
So Felipe being the good improvisational pilgrim that he is carefully cut a 1/8 in by 1/8 in piece of the silver stuff and mashed it down over the head of the hingemscrew. Yea, Bob’s your uncle or more aptly St James is your uncle and we have an instant fix.

Sorry about such a long explanation for such a tiny thing. But you never know this could be some sort of world record and I want to cash in. Maybe get duct tape to sponsor this blog, cool. I can see it all now.
Well, there’s 324 words on the world’s smallest patch. Maybe that’s some sort of record. Anyway have to give you the corn update. Got it all planted and the irrigation system set up yesterday, a small miracle. Yesterday evening I sat out under a tree and drank a couple of beers and watched the sprinklers go around, a thing of beauty. Ah, life in the fast lane.
All good here at Caminoheads. We have a walk this afternoon at 4, tapas at 5. Hope that everything is well in your hemisphere. Love, Felipe.
We had some really good corn last night, the first of the season, of course not home grown like yours. “Fixed me up a mess of green beans too,strawberries and grilled chicken and apple sausage.” Yummy! I love hearing about your corn and how it is doing. Kelly swears by duct tape. He used to have a wallet made entirely of duct tape that one of the kids gave him. And they have some pretty fancy colors, and designs out there too! We should have invested!