We are in the last stages of prep for planting here at the ranch. I was out yesterday tilling, once east and west and once north and south. We are still drying out and warming up and the soil is close. My old friend Jim from Buffalo will be here to lend a hand planting. He gets here with his better half Gloria on the 8th of May so the 9th we start, God willing. So fun, I am like a little kid! Well, you don’t actually have to be a kid to have fun playing in the dirt.
Jim and I used to work on his Dad’s farm way back when. We both have a love for the land and for working with it. Being a part of the process is important, not just being an observer. I just realized recently that all of my childhood heroes were people that were land owners or had some association with the land. I am right where I am supposed to be with Raven Ranch, a dream come true.
CAMINOHEADS GET-TOGETHER NEWS : OK, so our get together is August 23-26th here at the ranch on Vashon Island. The closest airport in SEATAC. If you are coming you need to RSVP by June 15th at this special email address: [email protected] .
This address is being taken care of by our CSWBC Rho and she requested two things for me to pass on to you. When you check in with her it is for convention business only so don’t think that you are chatting with Felipé so “Just the facts Mam” like Joe Friday used to say. She also needs to know how many are in your party.
We are still in the planning stages. So, if you have a question that needs answering please send it to me at [email protected] and I can help you.
Alright, time to go. Growing loves, Felipé.
Phil, I bought a package of bean pole seeds for my granddaughter Isabel, age 8. She likes to plant. On the back of the package, it read, Go stand in the garden dirt for 5 minutes with your shoes off. If your feet do not get cold, you will know it’s time to plant. That’s a good one. PS Can’t wait to enjoy that corn you’re planting in your tasty corn salsa.
Henriette ~ good one. See your comment came through. Somehow they don’t show up right away so it looks like they didn’t go through. But here you are. We will work on. the other problem. Felipé.x
Henriette, I love this so much!