(photo P Volker)
Happy Monday! Well, I don’t feel quite that peppy but I’m working on it. Steve-O our CNWBC showed up yesterday afternoon with his side kick Rasmus. Rasmus is is a large dog, a flat coat retriever like our Sture who died in the documentary as you’ll remember. He is sort of a junior Sture, very much still a puppy.
Anyway, they will be here for a few days. And just a thought, if you all are traveling through the Seattle area please feel free to stop by. We are here most all the time these days. You may want to stay for an hour or a couple of days.
But what I wanted to write to you about was that I want to have you start thinking about the trail as being yours. It really isn’t just mine anymore. We sort of use it together so my thinking is that we sort of own it together. And with that in mind I am going to ask if you could share in some of the work and expenses of it. For five years I have felt like I would and could provide this for you, say as a gift. And that is good but as time goes on and my energy lessens maybe that is not sustainable. So now I am basically asking for your help in two ways.
March 8th the time is going to change and we will be going to our summer schedule which means for one thing that we will have our afternoon walks start at 4 o’clock instead of the wintertime 3:30. And this time I am going to add that one hour before that on Sunday, so at 3 o’clock, we will have a work party for one hour. And that is in good weather only and nothing too heavy duty. Just clean up and improvements along the half mile trail.
The goal has always been to keep the trail safe but not too civilized. To keep it as wild as possible and still have it not be a chore to walk on. It is a balance that I think has been working so far and I would like that to continue. So, I will have a small project ready for each session and you can join me if you wish, just show up with gloves and not your Sunday best on. We will try it out.
And the other part of this that I would like to start March 8th is to display a donation jar at the rockpile for help with essentials. Things like candles, birdseed, gravel, wood chips and fuel are needed at different times and places though the year. I will keep this little cookie jar fund to help with those items. And if we get a little extra maybe we will be able to buy some cedar and build some benches for places along the trail.
Well, thanks for all your support so far, I appreciate it. We will continue to keep things going at a respectable level as best we can and you can help out with that. Thanks.
Walking in a minute, Monday morning loves, Felipé.
Well said, Chief. I’m there. (One teeny tiny typo- the time will change March 8 not May 8. 🙂
Carry on.
Big loves from down the road
Dana ~ thank you on the typo. I must be able to blame that on auto correct, don’t you think. Steve-O and I did some work on the trail today, got a thicket of holly out. It’s just a jungle. Happy travels, Felipé.x
If we can’t make it to the cookie jar, is there another way we can make a donation? Maybe if we can get your address we can send you a check. I would like to participate in keeping OUR Camino in good shape…just won’t be able to be there in person for a while.
Loretta ~ oh, I thought that I could count on some Marauder support. That would be just ducky. Thank you so much. And please say hello for me. Just a reminder, our Veranda gathering is scheduled during corn season, August 21st through the 24th. Later, Felipé.x
This is a great idea, Phil. Will be on work travel May 8th but will see you guys soon and happy to help where needed.
Ryck ~ fabulous! Would be great to see you. Felipé.