Acme Camino Repair and Towing

Hey, I decided to open a new business. What do you think? If you want to participate it would be cool. We are going to have a weekly activity and you have all week to get the ingredients together and do it, no pressure, well maybe a little. It should be easy but significant, that’s the rule, no exceptions.

What day is today? Thursday, OK,great. Every Thursday we will announce a new project. See, no muss, no fuss.

GRAND OPENING of ACME CAMINO REPAIR and TOWING: PROJECT 1. Pilgrim, your project is to figure out how to make flan and serve it to a beloved group.

Are you in? Sure you are, how could you resist? Love, Phil.

4 thoughts on “Acme Camino Repair and Towing”

  1. Ramon makes amazing flan. He has served it to beloved groups in the past, but right now he is experimenting with veganism. In any case, he has some mighty good flan tips. As you can imagine.

    1. Ramon, hey, glad you liked our flan project. Perhaps you and Mister Ye can do some tips, comments or flan poetry for the blog. That would be cool. Phil.

  2. Also, I want to congratulate you on the humor and surrealism in this blog post. It’s really fun and creative. There is a business…or is there not…and there is a project: flan…but also an incongruent promise of repair and towing… hah! 🙂

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