I have a few moments before I have to leave for the Institute. My day to make an appearance. Once every three weeks seems like luxury. Scan today, a lovely anxiety producing procedure. This must be my way of getting ready to give you the update. It will be a very long day with a rushed drive back to the Island to catch what I can of My Rebecca’s book launch starting at 6 PM.
It is such a lovely event for her and I hope that she has many more books and launches in her future. This fits her well as a transition from teaching. And I who have not as of yet read her novel will try to get started today with all my “free” time at the hospital.
Speaking of reading, Catalina our official unofficial art historian has finished reading all the way through the 2000+ posts on this blog. Unbelievable really. It gives me a headache just thinking about it. So, congratulations to her for that accomplishment. But seriously, I am honored to have someone of her caliber investigating my literary experiment.
My literary experiment, I like that. Experimental is the keyword there, kind of like Area 51. Anything could happen and usually does. OK, time to pack up and hit the road, have a ferry waiting for me. Later.
At the Institute. Such a day outside, I’m staring out the window at it. They could feature drive-through treatment maybe. I know we are always way ahead of the times here at Caminoheads. Waiting on getting my tests started. I am getting way to used to this crazy stuff.
Authors are in my life today. I am going to mention their full names because they are all published and therefore public figures. Debra Jarvis (It’s Not About the Hair) is coming by the Institute to chat. Henriette Klauser (numerous books) will be at the launch this evening. And Rebecca Graves (That One Day in August) my better half of course.
Speaking of My Rebecca I need to start reading her novel now if I can make a dent in it before this evening. The husbands are always the last to know.
staring out the window loves, Felipé.
Felipe, let us know if you discover any characters in her book that you think you may have inspired.

this is Catalina of the future…Aug. 16, 2020, coming to comment on this blogpost from Aug. 2019. You were so ahead of your time with the idea of drive-through treatments.
Phil and Catalina of 2019 would not believe the pandemic they would face a year later…
Catalina ~ yea, we didn’t have a clue! But yea the drive-thru treatments has potential. Hey, a really really fat book arrived in the mail yesterday. Thank you, Felipé.x