My Cancer Camino moves on day by day and recently we, my Doc and I, came to a crossroads. After seeing my scan of last week we both were not pleased by the performance of my present treatment. It was time for a change. So, we are getting off one road and in the process of making a transition to another.
This new road is a clinic trial that I was lucky enough to get into. There are only so many openings for participants and I have secured one of those spots, thanks to my Doc. There are some technicalities to navigate through yet but he seemed confident. This trial is treating patients with my type of cancer with a drug that was developed for another type. Somehow it was found out that it helped a certain percetage of folks in my category. So, maybe it will help me.
This all reminds me of skipping across a river jumping from rock to rock. Sometimes the route seems plain and sometimes it is unclear. You just keep going with a certain amount of faith that things will work out. Getting a little wet along the way is inevitable but we try not to fall in whole hog.
Yea so, that is one part of my life here in the winter of 2019. Pilgrims come and go and keep me buoyed up. And here outside I have the firewood splitting operation going full bore. We are stacking up fuel for next winter. It’s life at the ranch.
Take care for now, see you soon loves, Felipé.
Hi Phil
Remember me? Jan Reynolds from California… Yellow Team… Lourdes last May. Saw Father Tom and your movie in Santa Cruz a number of months ago! Excellent.
Last scan and numbers… not great… so I was also blessed to get into a Clinical Trial which begins today
for me. Three drugs alll new in my case… one an Immunotherapy type. This is only Phase II so they are testing for effectiveness . My family and friends are so supportive… lift and carry me through their prayers. This cancer journey is certainly an adventure and not for the faint of heart. You and many of our malade
friends are also in my prayers!
Take care fellow warrior.
Blessings & Love
Hi Jan ~ good to hear from you again. So glad that you are still jumping from rock to rock across the river. That’s how I see the different treatments these days. I jump to a new rock next week with my very first clinal trial. You may have read my blog about that. Aside from all that I am doing pretty darn good. I am outside as much as possible and walk four days a week. People come to walk the trail with me. Can’t complain. Keep in touch, Felipé.x
Peregrino Phil ~ looks like this compadre’ will be up to skip some rocks and share love with you & My Rebecca. Next friday, 3/15…Thanks Be to God! See you at RR shortly! BC, my Peregrino brother….Peregrina Sherie
So great Sherie. We will try and get rid of this snow thing by then. Felipé.x