(photo P Volker)
Yea, a break in the rain here at the moment. Some of this extra flood water at the ranch will get a few hours to drain. It is the talk of the town, all this precipitation. This is a little more than the usual big bunch.
What we sometimes miss here in the lowlands is the importance of maintaining the snowpack up in the mountains both east and west of us. We need a certain amount of snow this time of year to make for moisture for the dry times of summer. It is a sort of a bank that we are putting deposits in now. But we will mostly bitch and moan and not think of stuff like that.
Another thing talked about is the big nurse’s strike that is over I think. I really don’t have any new news but hope that everyone gets through it OK. It was supposed to be the largest healthcare workers strike ever. Bless my nurses, that’s my personal opinion.
Had Bible Guys this morning and worked on Revelation chapter five. This is one challenging book and it requires stick-to-it-ness to get through it with a group. But we are doing great and it is rewarding to make progress in it. I have to lead next week on chapter six so wish me luck.
Well, all good here at Raven Ranch, we are just where we should be, a little soggy around the edges. I am going to take off and get my day started. The best to you on this first day of February.
later loves, Felipé.
Dear Felipe:
Glad you are staying dry. Send some rain down here to SoCal. We would love a little precipitation. We are camping out in the desert this weekend despite Kelly’s non-functioning shoulder and my left foot not working. Together we make one complete human-being. Team work right?
Best Always,
My dear Handler ~ camping out, that’s great. I am ready, believe me, to ship you guys some rain. It’s getting like the old Chinese water torture around here. Anyway, there is hope for dryer days. Sorry to hear Kelly is so “bandaged” up. Glad he can take it easy with you on duty. Were you able to catch the game yesterday or are you too far out in the boonies? Miss you, Felipé.x