Nothing Else Matters

Owl moon, high summer.

I’ve spent way too much time with these three items this morning. Not that they didn’t deserve it being the three wonderful items that they are. I wish I had more time for them. But I am handing them off to you because there is something important here. And these aren’t necessarily in the right order. They are related but one doesn’t really come first.

Here is this young fellow sitting on a bucket in an alley playing a guitar too big for him maybe. But play it he does, mightily. And sing he does, mightily, with a voice that can’t quite catch up to his talent. Long but amazing. I am moved. Nothing else matters while he performs:

Young talent

And here is some written material about us and about some members of us that have come unglued recently. This is digging deeply into us. Consider:

To consider

And finally a video that a woman made on the Camino about the Camino and about her and about us. She wanted to learn to feel again:

Camino video

We have our walk today at 1600. I guarantee doctors, lawyers and Indian chiefs will be here to walk, salon and tapa.

nothing else matters loves, Felipé.