Corn Relish

My well worn cookbook.
Corn Relish, a favorite!

There is some pretty fine stuff coming and going on the Comments right now but I have to keep toward getting ready for our walk today otherwise I would answer them. But duty calls or duty comes calling, something like that. Our tremendous buddy, friend, amigo and Caminoheads Heartland Bureau Chief John Conway and his friends are riding in here to Raven Ranch about 1400.

John has never been here before although we have been bantering for years and I have been to Iowa to his farm there in conjunction with one of our film showings. So, this is a real honor for me to have him here along with his buddies. They are in the Seattle area touring our various flight museums and a walk on Phil’s Camino seems to fit well with that. Then there is the blessing of our corn 🌽 by John who knows more about corn than we will ever know. But my plant guys are all up an inch or two and standing at attention for the occasion.

I am going to make my famous and tasty corn relish for tapas. Got out two bags of frozen Golden Jubilee sweet corn from the freezer and it is all warmed up and ready. You will see the recipe that I use which is out of a New Mexico cook book. (I never put the corn syrup in mine). What good is a blog without an occasional poem and recipe?

So, I am off to scurry around and get things ready for our guests today. It’s all terribly corny love, Felipé.

2 thoughts on “Corn Relish”

  1. Always a fun and inspirational time on Phil’s Camino. Thnx for hosting our crazy group today!! Best always. SF

    1. Ken ~ it was totally a pleasure although exhausting. Sometimes it’s hard to tell whether we all are seasoned veterans or escapees from middle school. Always appreciate an enthusiastic group. Hope everyone gets home safely. Thanks Ken. Felipé.

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