Number Five

This potato chip is not an herb or supplement but it is heart shaped.

Number five is Herbs and Supplements. The author broke down this into three categories: one, Supplements to help you digest your food; two, Supplements to detoxify your body and three, Supplements to boost your immune system. These are the three main groups that showed up in her research. I suppose that there are other ways to look at it but this is how it is written this time. And throughout this chapter she emphasizes that supplements are a “bandaid” approach to the problem that will help but will not replace good diet and good habits. OK, so far so good.

As for me I take ten pills in the morning and seven of those are supplements. And truly I don’t know where they would fall in her categories except for one which is vitamin C, a boost your immune system one. But I doubt that I am taking it in the amounts that they are talking about. Mostly this collection is the same as it was four years ago for the trek in Spain. And that was pictured in the documentary. But as to the rhyme or reason for why this group is in my approach I would have to say intuition largely. That counts but it is not systematic so that is why I put this in the second group of factors that need some help.

Well OK, that seems pretty cut and dried, pretty straight forward. Notice now that this is the first physical factor. The only other is diet which is yet coming up. But think about this a minute, only two of these nine factors are physical. Dr Turner said that it surprised her to discover this and it did me as I read the table of contents of Radical Remission. The rest of the factors are in the mind or spirit area. That is what really attracted me as we have been working with this for years now in various ways. We will talk about this more in the wrap up later on but think about it.

So, off to my Saturday. Thanks for stopping by, love, Felipe.

2 thoughts on “Number Five”

  1. I’m loving your process for unraveling the mysteries in this book. All good for thought. A few need some walk time with you and more unraveling.

    1. Nancy ~ Yes, I am making some sort of stab at getting this thing unfolded. It will take more work. Please come when you get a chance. Felipe.x

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