Remember the other day when “ I grabbed a Nelson” or Nelson showed up after I asked for help and got Caminoheads going again after it was stuck for three weeks. Yea, he was so johnny on the spot for us. I proposed that we treat him and his wife Char to a dinner for thanks or just for laughs.
So yes, they came over with their guide dog in training and had some steaks with us out on the deck. It was nice if not a little chilly. Summer is having a little setback here in June in Seattle. So yea, but it was all together a good thing.
That was a good blogpost yesterday and hard to top. But never the less we always give it a try. So, yes let’s continue with the idea that Lourdes is a vertical experience. And by that I mean it is a earth to heaven connection or an attempt at connection. Mother Mary’s appearance there in 1858 is still sending out ripples. Bernadette simple reception was a marvelous thing. I search for Mary and have been serious about it since my diagnosis in 2011. It is mostly comfort that I am after.
Is comfort another way of saying being at peace? This idea of being at peace becomes more important everyday to me. And personally it seems to have largely replaced the idea of being cured. That’s pretty earth shaking when I think about it.
Earth shaking loves, Felipe.
a small miracle right there. About being at peace.
Love you Felipe
Dana ~ being at peace could be the ultimate goal, the ultimate prize. See you soon. Felipe.x
Wishing you peace in your being. Thank you for sharing your gift, Sir Felipe.
Blessings to you, Karen
Karen ~ yes, Don Felipe de Viana. Thank you for your presence. Don Felipe.x
Great picture of YOUR Rebecca. 🙂
Carol ~ There she is, lighting my life. Hope everything is going swimmingly for you. Pacific Grove this coming weekend? Felipe.x
Look at those wood sticks for the tapas table!!!!!! Thank youuuuu!!!
I am still here! Need to catch up and will do soon!
Spanish love,
Cris ~ trust that you have been busy on some secret mission. Yes, we use the tapa sticks. We had the picnic for a Nelson so we brought out our best stuff. Miss your words. Felipe.x
Your Rebecca is Just. So. Lovely!
Annie ~ Miss you at our tapas. Yes, we are some good looking characters! Felipe.x