Just When You Think




Yea, just when you think you’re way smarter than some of God’s other creatures you get reminded differently.  Did you see the story about the four escaping baboons in Texas?  I remember when man was defined as the tool using animal.  These guys were stacking 55 gallon drums up to make it up and over the wall.  I like it, bet it was the event of a lifetime.

I am not guite sure what that has to do with anything but it was on my mind.  Maybe we should get going stacking stuff up for our up and over.  Who’s in?  Maybe I am not talking a physical escape but a spiritual escape.  Up and over that particular wall.

Wish I had the video of the baboons figuring that out.  That might be helpful writing a poem or some tribute to the event.  So many details unexplained at this point.

Well, let’s put that on our “to do” list for the wintertime.  Watch videos of baboons and write poetry about it.  Those are the kind of notes to self that I discover six months down the road and wonder what the heck I was thinking about on that day.

But it is spring here, almost anyway, time for outdoor stuff.  Mowing and beating back the jungle is calling me.  Have to get out on the driveway with the chainsaw.  If it overgrows anymore the UPS guy will never attempt a run at it.

Boy, there is a blog post that we haven’t seen the likes of in a while.  No time to look back now, the jungle grows, see ya, love, Felipe.