It was snowing earlier here quite hard but nothing stuck on the ground. Now the wind is gusting. So much commotion. It mirrors my life now with so much going on but me with so much connection to the deeper still waters.
I have a laundry list of great spiritual happenings that have surrounded me lately and continue that I can’t even start to describe. It would be silly to try. All things are headed a certain direction.
Sister Joyce just called in from Dubuque, IA. She is so faithful in her keeping track of me and my travels. Even when she is not here she is here.
We have a walk in a few minutes. I think that we will be walking the Joseph trail today with all this wind. There are actually two trails here that we got to come out 4 feet in length from each other. One is our standard trail that we walk almost always which I call the Mary trail. Then when it is too windy to be in the wooded area of the property we switch over to the Joseph trail for protection from falling limbs since he is the Protector.
So that is what it looks like here with the Felipe Family today. People are coming to walk and have tapas. Maybe I will go and start the prep on the food. Thanks for coming by, love, Felipe.