Isn’t that color gorgeous? Just want to dive in there and never come up!
I was just running through Face Book this AM when I ran across this Word Press blog post that was interesting. It is about reentry into “normal” life after Camino. This is a topic that is talked about a lot among pilgrims. How to integrate new and old? How to make sense of what you experienced? How to put up with life back home? How to explain your journey to your spouse, partner, friends?
We all seem to come to grips with it eventually, which is a good thing but the way can be rocky. Anyway, maybe fire off a comment and we will talk about it more. I have a few thoughts on the subject as do you.
Just got in from the 0900 walk, under an overcast sky. Could shower occasionally today which would please the fire department on this Forth of July. This would have been a good day to walk in Spain, cloudy is merciful in July and August.
Had a nice visit from one of my old buddies yesterday. He was up here on a Seattle visit from Palm Springs. He caught Phil’s Camino there at the recent festival. So he was pumped about it and had to make it over to walk with me. Thanks Eric.
Well, you Americans, keep it safe today, don’t do nothing goofy with those fireworks. We’re not doing any personal explosives here at Raven Ranch, we got the horses which aren’t big on booms. Off to the harbor tonight to watch the professional show with friends who live done there at the water. We will be missing Our Jennifer who almost made this far. She made to last year’s Fourth and was there with us. Happy Trails Jennifer.
Good Bless America, as the song goes. And love you no matter where you are, Felipe.x
Hey, we made it to Leon this Thursday, me, Commando Bill and Maisie the Rhodesian Ridgeback. We caused quite a stir. And then Friday to Trobajo del Camino and then today to La Virgen del Camino.
So, come on down here and walk with us when you get a chance:
Earlier I was out in the driveway waiting for Catherine to come and pick me up in her pickup and transport me to church for eight o’clock Mass. I was a little early or she was a little late so I stood there in the quiet. I was appreciating the peace of the neighborhood and could hear Catherine’s truck from a long way off coming to get me. It wasn’t traffic noise, it was one vehicle noise. How lucky am I/are we to have such a sanctuary as this.
Friday, when our lovely Chinese guests were here they were saying that they lived there in Beijing on the twentieth floor of an apartment building. As I stood in the quiet I was trying to imagine what that would be like. Our lives are so horizontal here. All of our space that we able to roam around in it seems so luxurious, I am going to stop taking that for granted.
Our new priest “come ashore” today, Father David. He seems so enthusiastic about being with us and being on Vashon. And Mass went well and I didn’t have any trouble hearing him with his big voice. So, so far so good, swimmingly even! Father David, yea.
After Mass we went to town and did a little shopping for tapas later. Then we tailgated with our coffee and donut from the supermarket. Nobody does that in the busy parking lot except us. My insurance agent calls that lot the most dangerous place on Vashon. People rush in and rush out with their charcoal and meat but stop to say hi as they pass silly us as we sit and talk about the Sacrament of Reconciliation and what it will be like to be mano e mano with Father David. Catharine has named this Tailgate Theology, I’ll take it, I like it. Suddenly it seems sort of luxurious even.
So another great blog post wrapped up. Time to get out to the corn and get in the race with the weeds. Even that seems somewhat luxurious at the moment. Huh. Well, that’s it here at Raven Ranch. Thinking of you, holding you in prayer, Love, Spacious Felipe.x
It’s July 2nd and there seems to be a hush before the big Fourth of July holiday. Maybe if we are quiet for two days we can make a while lot of noise on the third day, is the thinking. Well, tonight there is going to be a lot of noise in our neighborhood so this may break down. Brad is going to be celebrating five years free from his cancer. Yea, way to go buddy, make all the noise you want neighbor!
Then Bill, our new Cancer Commando wound up with incredibly good scan results on his scan on Friday. He was over for our special walk yesterday afternoon to bring us the good news and to drink a glass of wine at tapas. Yea, way to go buddy Bill! I am so happy for him and his team.
And we had a great visit from our Chinese filmmaker, Edmund, and his girlfriend Irene yesterday. They walked three laps here at the ranch, we had tapas and wine and watched each other’s movies. Big fun and they are flying back to Beijing today. They were much excited by all things Camino and they got some good input here as you can imagine. Who knows what this connection will bring.
Well, good news all around. And this includes the corn whose growth seems to be outrunning the predication of Bambi and his buddies. Maybe that set us back a week in the overall scheme of things but not fatal. So, that’s how it is here in one little corner of America as we await the celebration of the birth of our nation.
Hidden BeaverThat could be a movie, Hidden Beaver, Swimming Cougar.
Well that’s the plan, right? We have a Chinese filmmaker coming to walk Phil’s Camino this afternoon. He saw our film in DC or Palm Springs and is jumping through all the hoops to get here to be with us and get the Phil experience.
Then tomorrow is a big party for our neighbor Brad who is celebrating being free of his cancer for FIVE years. Congratulations Brad! He is a tough guy that just doesn’t take no for an answer. GO for five more Brad!
My Rebecca is making Spanish tortilla for tapas/dinner this evening. Yea, that’s a blast from the past. I better get out hoeing in the corn and burn up some calories to get ready for that.
Bill from our blog post yesterday is at the hospital right now for his stare down with his cancer (his scan). He just emailed, “I couldn’t be better supported.” Go get’em Bill!
Annie my relentless, resourceful, resolute and much respected Producer is asking the universe for donations to keep the Phil’s Camino boat floating. Did I mention that she has been meeting with Werner Herzog and Norman Lear. Oh, and did I mention that she was just at the White House for a confab, yea. So anyway, please if you have or know of funds that need a good home please consider our effort. I know the film is done but now comes promotions which take funds. And promotions are going swimmingly with Phil’s Camino getting in thirteen festivals and winning Seven awards. Did I hear the word “Oscars”. Anyway I can guarantee that there is no outfit that gets more done with less funds than this one, well maybe Santa Claus. We invented the word shoestring. On there is a please donate button. And the PhilsCamino FaceBook page has pleasing info. Please, please, please, be a part of this effort.