It’s ironic I guess, that I am so tired from the anxiety to celebrate a very good scan result. Things have had slight growth and it means that the cancer is basically on hold for the time being and treatment remains the same. So, yea, how about that? Have to rest. Hello from Our Jennifer who remains my trusted Cancer Companera. Alperfect really, will try and say more tomorrow, love you, Don Felipe.
Really, truly, thanks for putting up with me as I wrestle around in the goulash trying to get a grip on my situation. It’s not always pretty, obviously. But that is how I handle things, wrestle with them. Remember the biblical character that wrestled with an angel, was that Issac? Anyway, it is one way to try and get to clarity.
Off to the hospital today for my scan. It’s a very easy procedure for my part. It is just the waiting for the interpretation which will be tomorrow morning that always seems difficult. Well, small price to pay for all the good side of my treatment.
All of this wrestling and goulash and other monkey motion is going into a story that is on my bucket list to write. Sort of boil down my last few years and pour it into that one thing. So there, I said it now I have to do it.
OK, I need to get organized to go. Stopping at Our Jennifer’s on the way to the ferry to have one of her coffees. Thinking of you, love, Felipe.