Rebecca and I have a friend that is in a Blues Brothers cover band and is the Elwood character. It is a great act and the music is great and I play the heck out of the CD driving around in my pickup. So when the song Mustang Sally comes on I’m loving it and Anamaria, the Princiss of Viana, comes to mind. And I say to myself that maybe, maybe not. Could she be Mustang Sally?
Well, my question was answered yesterday. I, on impulse, FaceTimed her at a time when I thought that she should be done with work. But she was there by her computer and said sorry still working and said that she will call me after work. So what happens but we wind up FaceTiming as we are cruising on the freeways through Miami on the way to the gym. So, I have never actually seen this happen before much less imagined it with my twentieth century brain. But here we are multitasking through the city and Anamaria is giving me a detailed tour of the sights by pointing the phone out the window. This building is this and this building is that. So, yea, at a certain point I had to bail out. I just had to say to her that I loved her but this was making me way too nervous and I had to go. “Back it down a little bit child!” as the lyrics go.
It’s a great story but way too undignified for the Princess of Viana, don’t you think? I made that all up. But, but, there is big Princess news. She was accepted in a Masters program at a university in Madrid for marketing and will be moving there for a year! Yea, and she said that she could walk some more Camino. Awesome thought!
So all’s well that ends well and another day on the trail for all of us. Well, we are coming into the dock and I have to wrap it up for the day. Love you all to the Mustag Sally max, Felipe.