Then in Galicia, it was a breath of warmth
from a kitchen door, palatial with light
and a daughter’s smile, the family behind,
asking you in, as if to say, of all shelter,
traveler, you’ll ever find on the road,
even with those you know,
the stranger’s love is best of all.
REFUGE’ From ‘Pilgrim: Poems by David Whyte’
I have for a long time thought that I’ve not met a stranger, everyone seems to be a friend. This is so true as we walk our various pilgrimages with dust on our shoes and awareness on our minds. Oasis was wonderful, getting to put gazes upon people whose names we see online here.
Love to you all,
Dear Ron,
You master on this topic… and was really hoping to get your thoughts on this… I once listened to the Dalai Lama saying that whoever he meets, he feels this other person is a fellow traveller, even when this other might not be in the same stage of the journey as he is. But just for the fact of being a fellow traveller and he, knowing how hard the walk is at times, he feels connected with this other person. And I hear a lot of this idea in your way of thinking.
I love that you are my friend.
Hugs to you and Ann!
So beautiful, yes! To feel welcomed, to be offered: hot food, shelter from the elements, a bed, hospitality of the heart, we realized that we were never alone, never without… rather we were part of the human family. What are hosts gave to us, unforgettable. What we have to our hosts in return… ah, we will never know, but I feel confident we pilgrims always left a part of ourselves behind. (I’m not talking about a sock, a hankie or heaven forbid, a pair of dainties.) We left stories, gratitudes, and gifts beyond what we remember or even know. As Joanna Macy says: reciprocity is at the heart of the universe. To be a pilgrim is to be part of that great heart beat.
Thank you Cris!
Beating heart loves.
Dear friend,
I don’t think I can comment on this other than saying that I feel hug every time you write.
Thank you!!! And yes, I love that line of Joanna Macy’s… and this gift economy that we are offered at every step of the way.
Love you.
When I first connected with Phil via email, many moons ago, I wrote a brief description of who I was.
I then said.
I am a stranger to You.
However I believe in the saying that “a stranger is simply a friend you haven’t met yet.”
In Phil’s reply to me he wrote “Come walk with me”.
That invitation made my Heart smile.
It took several years before I was able to put my feet on Vashon Island.
That was when I drove from Cochrane Alberta Canada to Vashon Island for the Veranda in 2019. ( Yes I did take the ferry over the water portion of the journey ).
On arriving at Raven Ranch I instantly felt a deep and warm welcome that penetrated my Soul.
Thank You Phil and Rebecca for your Loving Kindness.
Until we meet again….
Your C.C.B.C.
Dear William,
This comment is beautiful. What a few words to offer, right? “Come walk with me”. The Camino spoke those words to me, and so did Phil… like in your case … how fortunate we were to be able to say yes and go.
Let me tell you that one of the loveliest memories I have from The Veranda was hanging the lights in the tree with you. Your presence makes the others want to be around you.
Love to you,
Sí, muchas gracias y nos vemos pronto en el Camino de la vida. Thank you, Cris. I feel that two important concepts help me along the Way.
One is that while I have opinions on lots of things, I understand that those opinions are not equal to The Truth nor do I have a strong desire to convince others to have that same opinion.
The second one is that I focus on what I have in common with others, starting with inhale and exhale but quickly advancing to a shared meal. This, I think, is my key to making friends of everyone.
Wrap all that in gratitude and life is good!