Dear Caminoheads,
Thank you all for staying around, commenting and sending such generous thoughts and good wishes to me, it means a lot when my mind goes into the mood: “This is crazy!” In any case, as of yet, I am still on “vacation mode” and the idea that I am not going back to Argentina “once my vacation ends” has not kicked in… I will see what happens once I am back to Valencia, settle in the apartment and start working… but for that, I still have a number of days.
These past two days we drove by Alicante and decided to be away of the big city and went on to Torrevieja. Torrevieja seems like a coastal summer location from the 60/70ies in Argentina, the housing mainly is big apartment buildings inside a gated small community, all painted in between a yellowish and a tan color, lots of ceramics in different shades of blue, lots of lemons and oranges in the trees, and lots and lots and lots of palm trees. These palms trees are called “Palmeras Levantinas”, because this area is called “Levante” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levante,_Spain … should we weren’t in Spain, I would say you could be in an all inclusive hotel in Cuba (and interestingly enough, the main street of Torrevieja is called “Las Habaneras”…)
This location though, has nothing to do with Cuba, in fact, you could say it has nothing to do with Spain as most of the people are British, German, Danish or from any other of those countries. I think the only Spanish speaker was me!!!
We had a great lunch, and we also had a great sleep… so I will consider another day of vacation accomplished!!!
More tomorrow!
Levantino love,
Dutch, English, Germans, Scandinavians and maybe Belgians, Austrians, Swiss often retire down there as it’s warmer.Not so much French as they have their own Mediterranean coast where, presumably,those from northern France may retire too.I think that it’s during the winter time they go down to Spain and Portugal and come back north in the summer.