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Dear Caminoheads,
Ohhhh Friday!!!!!!!!!!!! I am doing a happy dance while my pajamas are coming to me!!!!
I had a post from Ryck, our BC, sitting in my inbox (which I haven’t read, but my heart says it will be awesome) to post today, as today is Friday and the BCs usually post on Fridays; but I went back to Oct2014, and Phil continues to talk to us,… about us,… the Caminoheads, and I found myself in the dilemma of what to do… and because I know Ryck, I have the feeling that Ryck would agree with me if I continue to post the “Caminoheads?” saga and post his post right after.
Like many of you, these posts from Phil are so timely and so so soooooooo needed these days.
Caminoheads Love,
October 15, 2014 – Caminoheads????
The Caminohead is not necessary a veteran of walking part or all of the Camino. The Caminohead is someone that, as the Pilgrim Beatitudes talked about, learns about how to make their life a walk, metaphysically speaking. So, being a Caminohead really is a state of mind, a path, a way to think about and navigate through this world, this life wherever he is physically.
And there is no denying that the ultimate way or The Way is following the path that Jesus has taught us. That is the twelve-hundred-year-old draw to that trail. That is the reason why the whole thing is so saturated with the Holy Spirit’s magic dust. You can’t go ten feet on the Camino without some getting on you. And the pilgrim walking next to you is dusted with it. And then a whole group of you walking together gets covered with it and it starts working on you and them. And the whole trail is covered with it. If you could see it, it probably is drifted up like snow in places as the wind blows it.
Wow, that was fun. And I promised you that we would finish this up today Oh, well. OK, tomorrow then. Love you dusty characters, Phil.
Love the Caminoheads saga!
So Phil!

Ah, “ … so saturated with the Holy Spirit’s magic dust.”
He got the message to leave with us.
Thank you Cris for posting that today!
I’ll stop dusting myself off …