With A Little Time Monday Morning

The two of us at St Savin.


We have a few minutes before My Rebecca and I have to run for the ferry.  Off to the big city but perhaps we can talk.  Yesterday’s sermon went well.  It was good to get the topic off the ground so to speak.  And when I do a presentation I generally go without notes and sometimes interesting extras come out of my mouth a little unplanned.  We could call that the work of the Holy Spirit I suppose.

One notion that came out that way yesterday was the idea that perhaps a malady sprinkled into one’s life is a sort of a dash of a condiment.  It is an spice or an herb, sometimes a bitter herb.  This seems a strange way to think about things especially when we are so conditioned to shying away from malady or pain or complications.  We go, “Whoa not going near that one!” as we speed up to go around it.  But sometimes these things are thrust upon us or fall into our laps maybe.  But we have to concentrate on the notion at our malady is not us totally although it may help flavor the soup of our lives.

Maybe we talked about this before about St. Paul having a malady that is mentioned in the Bible but not spelled out.  We are not sure exactly what it was but he prayed about being relieved of it.  And was he?  Wouldn’t he been more effective without it?  Or was it part of his mojo?

Consider this quote that came in from Diego:  “You are exactly where God wants you to be right now.  Let that thought settle into your bones.”  St. Therese of Lisieux.

OK, yes, well.  Love, Felipe.



2 thoughts on “With A Little Time Monday Morning”

    1. Esteban ~ back at the ranch, a little groggy and sore. But there is Stanley Cup hockey and Huskie Softball on. The best to you southern neighbor. Felipe.

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