“Whether We Live Or Die”


“For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone.  If we live , we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord.  So,whether we live or die, we. belong to the Lord.  For this reason, Christ died and returned to life so he might be the Lord of both the dead and the living.”  Romans 14: 7-9 from the NIV.

This was one of the scripture readings yesterday at Mass.  It resonated with me and I have been thinking about it since.   There is something very comforting about what it says for me.   Having the diagnosis means that dying within months is always a possibility, always.  This never goes away.  It is possible to forget about it for short times but it clings well.

To have this vision of life and death being united in this continuum is important.  Putting things in a perspective that is true and workable is always golden.  And this does it for me.  The veil between life and death is getting thinner day by day.

So, as we live our lives we are also assaulted by the diagnosis’s of those around us too.  It gets to be too much unless we have some way, some healthy perspective to view it from.  How do we deal with it all can be a problem.  How do we respond can be a problem.  But this is what makes it easier for me now.  This notion that  the veil is so thin and Christ is here for us wherever we find ourselves.

Thanks for being here with Phil.   Love you, Felipe.





5 thoughts on ““Whether We Live Or Die””

  1. Phil, this made me cry because it is so true. I am thankful that the presence of Christ in whatever state we are in is a blessing to you. I cling to it as well, am blessed as well.

    Praying on also, another blessing. Thank you for sharing your life. Michelle

  2. Hey there Felipe, another great post. Another! What really struck me is the word continuum. Yes, it is all a continuum, isn’t it? That’s how we get to walk together even though we are miles apart. That’s how we get to lean on one another even though we may live on different continents. That is how our lives are enriched every day by the chance (or not so chance) meetings we make along the Way. Anyway, I sent you something today. Be on the lookout in your mailbox. It won’t be me, but it will be a little representation of me…and you. You are the best, Phil. Thank you for continually letting us in . I love you so!

  3. Love you, Felipe. Live for Lourdes, live for love and fall color and winter rain, and walking together wherever it takes us.


    1. Dana ~ wherever it takes us, I like that, sounds like a blog. Nice tapas today, yes? I was going to say that perhaps it’s the last one outside. But remembering the one last autumn where we served food and wine on the “tablecloth” of multicolored leaves, very Camino. Alperfect love, Felipe.

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