Visitors Come In Different Forms

I get a lot of company here at Raven Ranch. Visitors come all the time. They all come in their own way and we have some amazing conversation. Let me show you what I mean.

Anatole Broyard came.

This author came with his book Intoxicated By My Illness. That is not accurate. This author came in the form of his book as he is no longer with us. He died of cancer and wrote half of this book about it. It is interesting for me to see how he thought about it. The other half of the book is the story of how his dad passed away from cancer years ago. He had a lot of practice observing, thinking and writing.

Hans Christian came and stayed.

Then a woman came with her daughter to walk. Kira had seen me in Orlando recently and was in the Washington State and came to visit. She is a doctor working with cancer patients in Denmark. The two were lovely and we walked and had tapas. She took a film back to Denmark to show and she left a figure of Hans Christian Andersen.

A jostle of pilgrims!

And then Marcia came via FaceBook and left a pic of a group, her and her pilgrim friends. But what a pic! It was a reunion and I thought of the Veranda coming up. The people in the image were positively glowing. The whole thing had a wonderful and powerful radiance. She left me with that gift.

This is my life right now. Well of course our daughter Tesia is here with her family so that is a whole visitation in itself except they are all still sleeping at the moment here in the morn. So, it is nice and quiet as My Rebecca and I sip our first coffee.

quiet loves, Felipé.