Thought I Heard Jingle Bells

I just thought I heard jingle bells, some sort of hallucination coming at me I guess. This is what happens when I’m not supervised. My Rebecca is off to book club and knitting club so I’m home alone with you and the wood stove.

Looks like my stream of consciousness switch is in the on position this morning so anything could happen. I am still smiling about the wedding that occurred Wednesday at the hospital for one. Have a feeling that if I just kept smiling about that forever you would understand and indulge me. Hope so.

Then there is the poem that I put up yesterday. It is just dripping with nectar and all I want to do is bathe in that for now or forever. It holds an important essence so beautifully not so much like a diamond but perhaps like a piece of amber with an ancient fly incapsulated. Well, that’s not it either. But anyway, I am highly grateful and happy to have that particular poem to accompany me now.

Another thing that is really really good is that I just found my set of keys. They were out all night smushed in the mud but happy now that they are here drying out by the wood stove. Sometimes small matters mean a lot.

One thing that needs to happen though for sure is for us to help each other cut down on the stress that seems to start accumulating this time of year. Let’s see what we can do about this one.

Well look, I’m going to let you out early today. We have covered all the important stuff. Thanks for taking the time to stop by. Saturday loves, Felipé.

4 thoughts on “Thought I Heard Jingle Bells”

  1. Beautiful thoughts this morning Felipe…..

    I’ll now take them with me throughout the day…….Savor the joys

    Well said,

    1. Nancy ~ glad you were here to participate. It’s been a rambunctious week and am riding along on top of it all. Hope all is going well for you. Felipé.x

  2. The wedding and the poem and the keys are all reminders of the need to slow down and, in a way, just the perfect step-by-step cheat sheet to accomplish that goal.

    The wedding reminds me that we celebrate making life choices and consummate with affirming behavior.

    Then a poem reminds us to be careful in understanding the meaning of words in the order presented and not just our everyday understanding of the individual words. The rhythm and the spacing and the nuance of each syllable is significant – and can change with each reading as we journey on life’s path.

    Then the keys, lost and then found. Covered with mud requiring some effort to restore them to the state they were before being lost. And in the cleaning process evoking gratitude, in the drying process encouraging relaxation.

    So as we sit here at the Eastern Bureau there is lovely snow falling, making travel off the mountain impossible with the promise that it will continue to fall until late tonight and into the mid-day Monday.

    The woodstove is keeping the room at 77 degrees, the crock pot of chili fills the room with inviting smells, and there are three loaves of bread on the cutting board.

    What can we do besides celebrate our relationships, think about the words we use and use them, and recover lost (or forgotten) items to restore their importance?

    I will have a problem making my 10000 step goal today, but such is life …

    1. Ronaldo ~ thank you for your snowy thoughts. I especially like the idea that the words of the poem could give off a little different meaning each time it is read. My impression that a text is locked in stone may need some rethinking on my part. Thank you. Hello to Ann. Felipé.

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