The Third Time Now

A stranger so to speak but thriving in unknown territory.
A stranger so to speak but thriving in unknown territory.

I am just on the verge of finishing reading The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho for the third time. I am realizing that perhaps this is a book that will stick with me for a while longer as I reread it again and again. This I have done in the past with two other books, “Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up To Me” and “American Guerilla In The Philippines”, in case you were wondering. Don’t know if there is a common thread there but we’ll leave it for the historians to figure out.

The Alchemist is a good story but beyond, a treasure trove of notions that springboard me into a very expansive space. It is a very calm space which in itself is immensely useful but it also is a place to see life differently. A place to navigate from perhaps.

Is this all TMI, too much information? Yea, probably but I don’t see any other way around it at the moment so you will have to put up with me on this. I am trying not to bore you. But something magical happens here on the blog once in a great while and it happened recently with “The Little Bean” post and it has happened before on at least one occasion with “Warning” back in September 2014. Could I write like that more often? Please. Once a month maybe instead of once a year? And somehow, the extra special posts are related to me reading The Alchemist.

I’m going to give you three quotes from the book to try to illustrate my point: “But don’t worry,” the alchemist continued. “Usually the threat of death makes people a lot more aware of their lives.” Yes.
“The boy looked out at the horizon. There were mountains in the distance. And there were dunes, rocks, and plants that insisted on living where survival seemed impossible.” Yes.
“That’s what alchemists do. They show that, when we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.” Yes.

Yes, yes and yes. This is where the Cancer Commandos live and thrive. Quick breakfast and a walk, later, love, Felipe.