The Separation

When I was little in the snowbound world of Buffalo, New York my folks would always put up our Christmas tree on Christmas Eve. This was so that there would be as much separation as possible between the celebration of Christ’s birthday and mine. Yea, it helped some. But then there was the math of it which occurred to me early on. I had’t had algebra yet but it looked to me like kids that had “regular” birthdays, in June say, got 2X loot, adding their birthday take to their Christmas take, while I was pulling in something like 1 1/2 X yearly. And this was the era of Dr Spock, with all the new thinking about relaxing the old school stuff with the kid’s upbringing. Obviously no one in my neighborhood managed to find the time to read that one as we were still living under the “don’t spoil the kid” rules then.

OK, so maybe I ranted a little there but what the heck. The important thing though is to get the separation idea. Right now I am going to show you a few pics from the birthday flotsam and jetsam. And then we will be done with my little itty bitty birthday and get back to the Advent of the Big Guy’s starting maƱana.

My original card from our son Wiley William Volker.   Those are his initials that look like the peaks of the rocky mountions
My original card from our son Wiley William Volker. Those are his initials that look like the peaks of the rocky mountions
Heart cake from Our Rebecca and Our Riley.  All my birthday cakes seem to have dinosaurs on them.
Heart cake from Our Rebecca and Our Riley. All my birthday cakes seem to have dinosaurs on them.
Portrait of Our Felipe done by artist Will Forrester done for a book of a hundred mentors.
Portrait of Our Felipe done by artist Will Forrester done for a book of a hundred mentors.

OK, two more items: there is a podcast of a brand new interview with me and then with Annie O’Neil about Phil’s Camino. I am going to attempt to give you a hot link but…

Phil’s Camino Podcast

Also here is a link to a video of “Better Together” from Island in the Air in Barcelona, Spain. These are all folks mentored by Our Laura.

Laura’s Better Together

OK, maybe that all worked. I am slowly creeping my way up the 21st century learning curve. Sound familiar? Loves to you there where ever you are today, Birthday Boy Felipe.