The List

From Sherie in Lake Forest. This is from the celebration of the St James Feast Day there.


The list of commonalities from the Radical Remissions book is intriguing isn’t it?  It flits through my mind all day long.  I haven’t been this excited about a list since the Pilgrim Beatitudes hit town four years ago.  Of course, I haven’t finished reading the book yet, not even half way through it so more to come.

Maybe we could explore those items in more detail and one at a time as time goes on.  As I look at it right now the majority of them have some  connection with this blog.  In some way they are walking with us.   Such as the idea of “Embracing Social Support”.  That would be a biggie and it is the first to jump out at me.  The blog is bringing my personal situation to light so that somehow that is support for others in a similar situation.  And in that process I get supported by a whole gaggle of folks, you guys.  Thank you by the way.

I can see “Increasing Positive Emotions” being involved as a sort of byproduct.  There is a tendency when one is writing about oneself to put a good spin on it or to say things in positive ways.  I think that is natural.  So that leads to learning how to do that as a sort of habit , a sort of muscle memory.  It is not the same as hiding things but it is a sort of seeing the silver lining in everything and learning how to dwell there.

“Deepening Your Spiritual Connection” has been close at hand with me writing this blog.  Doing that is one thing and a good thing but having to write and talk about it has lead to a certain clarity for me.  I guess if I have to explain a point to someone else it becomes clear to me in the process.  That makes sense.

Well, I am quickly running out of time.  Walking in a few minutes.  It is a beautiful cool morning.  I have been missing some of my laps on the afternoon walks with the heat these days.  But right now it is delicious.

So, thanks for being here.  Hope that your day goes well.  I know that some of you have health challenges and  some have wildfires close by.  Be brave.  Be brave loves, Felipe.