The Grandson And Entourage Have Arrived.

Osian’s play workbench early this morning.


I should start out with a good pic of the lad but am short on that.  Will have some soon.  Maybe I will take a shot of the coffee table next to me, it’s his play workbench.  It is complete with books, trucks, a Lady of Guadalupe candle, skull and heart shaped rock.  OK, move over Grandpa for the next generation.

Here at the ranch there is a strange mix of fog and smoke outside.  The weatherman is giving us a possible change in the weather bringing rain and relief from the smoke but that is this weekend.  We will have to bear with it a while longer.  And today could be the day of the first corn.  I am so antsy to start.  Still waiting for my canopy to come by UPS for the roadside stand.  Maybe all this will happen today!

I am feeling better.  These new rounds of chemo are kicking my butt but it doesn’t last forever.  Eventually the poor guy surfaces for a few days of normalcy before the next round.  Major fun.  Thanks for all your prayers and good thoughts.

Due to FaceTime with Buenos Aires Cris this afternoon.  We haven’t met for a while, too many things going on.  I wish that she could come up for one of our women’s archery retreats.  That would be bring a lot of different worlds together for me.

Walk this morning in a few moments.  It is tough these days to make it around as there are so many juicy berries to pick as we go.  They are especially big this year, a result of the late spring rains we endured.  So this is the payoff.

We had a nice dinner party out on the deck under the cherry tree last evening.  Our daughter and her friends meeting before they come and go on summertime trips.  There are a bunch of pix up on Rebecca’s FaceBook page today.

Well OK, that’s what it looks like here at 8:22 AM today.  Hope that today is peaceful and profitable for you whatever time zone or hemisphere you are in.  Love you, Felipe.