The Good, The Bad And the Ugly Once Again

A Face Book pic of Wiley and Henna’s ring.


I was all pumped earlier this morning to write about some good news in the neighbor hood and we will get back to it shortly.  But first we have to cover this tragedy that happened in Las Vegas yesterday and was all over the morning news.  It hangs like something heavy on me now.  We need to work through at least some of it to clear some room.

It is the killing of the innocents one more time.  Two things come up with me at this moment and I need to start somewhere so here we are.  One, is the question of how anyone could work themselves into a place where they would think this was a good idea to embrace and implement.  Two, I am always struck by how quickly evil can be perpetrated.  To do good always seems like life’s work and the opposite in comparison.

Every week I light candles at church for the projects that I have heard of that are on my mind.  People, angels really, get it in their mind to build a dream that would be so good for so many.  Maybe it is a medical facility that is long my needed or a program to help a certain segment of the population that needs extra care.  And they struggle and struggle to make headway.  Everything thing seems uphill.  I light my little candles and pray my little prayers as these certain individuals heroically sacrifice.  Good seems to take so long and to be such a chore.  Is there a word for this?

Ah, a little room and just enough to say how happy our family is at the moment.  Our son Wiley and Henna got officially engaged yesterday.  We are so happy for them.  It is a moment to celebrate and remember.  It is the start of bigger and better things for them and for us.  It is a milestone along their journey that will go on to places beyond the horizon.  All good, uberperfect and even alperfect, here’s to you our children!

OK, a tough day to write a post on.  Time to get organized and walk Phil’s Camino next.  It looks gray but dry out, comfortable walking temp.  Maybe someone will show up or maybe I will say the rosary a time or two for our world.  Always, love, Felipe.