The Game, The Snow

Yea, the game coming up in a couple of hours. And it is snowing forty five minutes south of here. That’s what this afternoon is going to be flavored by, that’s my guess anyway.

Just having a conversation with My Rebecca about totally different stuff so maybe that will flavor the next few hours. Somehow at her church people in the congregation told about what they were doing fifty years ago. That’s interesting.

My Rebecca’s memory of that time was being at the Vietnam Moratorium in DC but that was actually November 15 of ‘69. She remembered it as cold but it wasn’t spring but fall and close enough really. I was just getting out of the Marine Corps as of November 9th. Crazy times.

This blog post just may not come together, a sort of half baked affair. Yea, I guess fifty years from now we can look back to this day as Felipé’s famous half baked affair. That’s good.

Fully baked loves, Felipé.

3 thoughts on “The Game, The Snow”

  1. Right On Rebecca!

    I was a Marshall on the other coast for the Moratorium March in San Francisco. Just a green, “wet-behind-the-ears” freshman at Saint Mary’s College who took it all in…hearing the sad news from Kent State, Ohio…personally watching the UC Berkeley demonstrations… sitting long hours in our peaceful, empty chapel…listening contemplatively to God and wondering: Who would Jesus bomb? My job was to keep marchers on the sidewalks and safely thru the intersections on the way to Golden Gate Park where Dylan and Baez echoed inside the fog.

    There was a certain peace coming from figuring out a life defining decision on my own. It led me to John Kennedy’s alternative country service with the Peace Corps.

    Peace in the heart.
    Peace in the soul.

    Good Medicine!


  2. Right on Rebecca!

    I don’t know about Felipe’s blog post coming together…but it really did come together for me.

    I was a college freshman at Saint Mary’s College in Northern California who somehow became a Moritorium on War Marshall for the Peace March on San Francisco California. While you were in the cold of DC…My Moratorium Mission was to keep the marchers on the sidewalks and safely thru the intersections on the way to Golden Gate Park where Dylan and Baez were soon echoing in the distance and the San Francisco fog.

    Those days I was given the freedom to think outside the boundaries of school and family elders. I saw the UC Berkeley demonstrations, the riots, the draft card burning and heard of the tragedy at Kent State, Ohio on radio and in song. For the first time I found myself kneeling alone with my thoughts and learned to contemplate and to pray in our college chapel. All of this led me to join the Peace Corps vision of John F. Kennedy. Powerful days, indeed…nearly 50 years ago!

    Health came to me then from…
    Peace of mind
    Peace of heart and
    Peace of Soul


    1. Oh Diego, those were such crazy times, hardly a safe place to stand. Nice vision of you kneeing in the chapel talking to God. You obviously found a safe place afterall. Thanks for that snapshot of the times. Where do you go in the Peace Corps? You will have to continue the story. Felipé.

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