The Author of August

It has arrived!

Just in case you are not local or you are not a FaceBook friend My Rebecca has published her first book! This is tremendous exciting and fun to witness. My wife the author.

The local book store is out of copies but wait there is Amazon! I just looked it up and it is appearing by searching for “Rebecca Graves”. For some reason the title That One Day in August will not get you there. But that is less typing, look at it that way. And by the way it is being published by Raven Ranch Press, new and up and coming.

I’m calling her the new Betty MacDonald who lived on Vashon back in mid twentieth century and wrote The Egg and I and Onions in the Stew. They were both about small town Pacific Northwest life. Oh and by the way Betty’s house is now a bed and breakfast place and you can stay there. Just in case you want to come and visit us and have that experience.

All pretty exciting stuff. Summer continues on here also. I am keeping a close eye on the corn waiting for a half a dozen ripe ears to arrive. Went to Mass this morning a came back with a gift zucchini. We had our first red tomato. The blackberries have started. Pickles are being made. The whole cornucopia of August is about ready to gush.

Well, lunch time for me. And we have a walk at 1600. Very cool and alperfect.

august loves, Felipé.

One thought on “The Author of August”

  1. Author! Author! Hooray and Congratulations to Rebecca! I love the comparison to Betty MacDonald. When is the reading and book launch scheduled at the Bookstore and Cafe? Did you show Rebecca the New Book Cake (it’s actually a huge cookie–even better, if you ask me) I sent you that replicates the book’s cover in icing? Her cover would be delicious. Tell her I said, Well done. Can’t wait to read it.

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