
A few days ago I sent this message to our Cherry: Hey Cherry ~ haven’t heard from you. Thinking of you, wherever you are. Need some Cherry energy. Write a few words, love, Phil.

So, today I am feeling all wintered out and ready to write a post about Spanish toothpicks, which will happen soon. Maybe not the most exciting of starting points but I was going to see what I could do with it. Anyway, when who shows up on my e-doorstep but Cherry of the Southern Hemisphere. Complete with pic with palm tree in the middle distance. Just when I am feeling so wintered out I get suntanned Cherry with a palm tree. See how it works! Love you Cherry.

Just when you thought that you were stuck in the dead of winter.
Just when you thought that you were stuck in the dead of winter.

Enough of me, here she is:
It’s great that Phil has welcomed me back even if I’ve not been the most reliable lately. I’ve been spending the last 4 weeks with my family and friends at home in Australia. I have mixed feelings still about being home. Thankfully it is only temporary as I’m off to Indonesia tomorrow morning for my final month of my travels. It’s a hard life.

Actually life has been a little hard lately. They say when you travel for long periods of time with a partner that it’ll either make or break. Sadly for us after nearly 5 years, it was break. I’ve been feeling rather empty. And then I stumbled on these wise words that I wrote 10 years ago which gave me some hope and a smile.

“Life has this strange way of working out right but not in the way you think it should. Life has a strange way of giving you what you ask for but not in the way you think you’re going to get it. Life has a strange way of making you suffer undeservingly but yet rewards you with unbelievable gain. Would you willingly put yourself through worse, with the possibility of unbelievable rewards? Of course I would but I’m a risk taker and I know full well that the only way to achieve the best is to suffer undeservingly at times.”

Peace and love from Cherry the newly Single Lady.