TGIF Cherry #13 10/16/15

Nice tomatoes Felipe !
Nice tomatoes Felipe !

Guess what? Cherry from Down Under is back again. She would have been here earlier but I hadn’t asked. This is her thirteenth Thank Goodness It’s Friday piece. Usually she sends a pic but not this time So I’ll put in the popular tomato pic. Thanks Cherry!

“Nice tomatoes Phil!!!

Here’s a quick post for TGIF.

Another important lessons I learnt on Camino was that most things I used to stress and worry about in my everyday life, in the grand scheme of things, don’t really matter that much. The important things that do matter to me are the health and happiness of myself and others.

I seem to have settled quite comfortably into urban life here in Sydney. I have a fantastic job helping unemployed people secure sustainable jobs. I found a cute little apartment close to the beach and my office so I can walk to work.

I was surprised at how easily I transitioned from full-time traveller to full-time tax payer. I think it helps that I am helping others. I think it helps that I remember the importance of happiness. That’s why I try and choose to enjoy each moment.

Happiness is a state of mind after all. It is fairly easy to focus the mind on being happy when things are going well. When things are tough, however, this can be a little more challenging.

I have to remind myself when I’m getting stressed or frustrated that really all this little stuff I’m stressed or frustrated about doesn’t really matter. I’ve been practicing this and it’s amazing how I can actually train my mind to often turn these negative thoughts around. These are just my thoughts and I have the ability to choose which ever ones I want.

I’ve not mastered the art of doing this all the time yet. However, if I can choose to be happy and enjoy each moment as I’m experiencing it, this only eventuates to a more fulfilling existence.

Today I choose to be happy.
Love love, Cherry.”