Spring Cleaning?

I know it isn’t quite time yet, at least month wise for spring cleaning. But I am sure seeing and feeling the need this year like never before. Not only inside but out. Not only physically but in all ways. We got dust bunnies on dust bunnies in all venues. I just checked it out, trust me.

Had a hard time getting in gear this morning writing the blog. Some days are like that. But I took a little walk around the house with the camera hoping for some signs of Spring and a little inspiration. Well, a few things were showing signs of new life, early birds like quince and rhubarb. Of course, other things like the bulletproof kale persist no matter. There are some new flower shoots shooting up hither and yon in little micro environments. Hellebores actually bloom in the winter here and I found one of those. So things are happening, it is just a matter of looking.

OK, I know there are other places still in the deep freeze. For sure but the tide has turned. Change is going to come even for William up North. Are you still there William?

Here are a few pics from around the ranch, late January shots:

Kale is a survivor.
(photo P Volker)
Brand new flower shoots. Don’t ask me what kind.
(photo P Volker)
Buds on the quince opening!
(photo P Volker)
Hellebore blooms.
(photo P Volker)
Tapas table awaits!
(photo P Volker)

Spring is out there loves, Felipé.

2 thoughts on “Spring Cleaning?”

  1. Hi Felipé,

    William reporting in to Headquarters.

    All is well in the northern front. 🙂

    Spring is a little time away so thank you for the inspiring pictures on todays blog.

    1. William ~ thinking of you and your fam. You will have to describe the advance of Spring when the time comes. You’re the best, Felipé.

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