Sore But Awake


Pic that Kelly took on the Camino coming up on four years ago. Thanks Kelly.

Back here at the ranch on the red leather couch after my minor surgery yesterday.  The coffee maker is making noise in the background and the sun is breaking through the clouds.  So things are pretty alright with my world at the moment.

So yesterday I was talking about a malady being a sort of herb or spice in our life.  Perhaps that may appear a little cavalier for some dealing with heart breaking problems.  And I am sorry for their situation, truly.  But at the same time there is room for my testimony.   Somehow after grappling with my particular problem for so long I have come out on top in certain ways.  It can be done is my testimony.

I am supposed to be reporting on my Lourdes trip now.  But am I?  Well, yes in a big sense I guess.   My whole being went to Lourdes not just my malady.  I am much more than my malady as you are.  That is the point.  And when we take that all to Saint Bernadette and all that to the Lady of Lourdes things happen.  Maybe not in dramatic “throw down your crutches” events but in subtle interior ways that can also count bigtime.

Subtle interior loves, Felipe.




7 thoughts on “Sore But Awake”

  1. Thank you Phil. My coffee is made but the Oatmeal Raisin cookies are just out of the oven. Taking them to the Radiation team today as I begin my 33 treatments of whole breast radiation. I totally agree with your sentiments. Take good care my friend. Also glad the ol’ computer & its innards is back up and running!

    1. Jean ~ oh, best of luck with your ongoing procedure. Nice touch taking cookies to the team. They simply love that stuff and that you thought about them. I’m going in tomorrow and I just bought three bags of Goldfish for my guys. I am going out to walk here in a few moments and will put a rock on the Phil’s Camino pile and pray for you then. Take care, Felipe.x

  2. Phil you are just so wonderful. I have so much to say, but it can pretty much be summed up in that. You are just so wonderful. Thank you! Everything else can wait. Big exterior AND subtle interior loves to you my friend.

    1. Annie ~ good to hear from you. I was wondering where you were lately. And thanks for the pats on the back! I am wrestling with Lourdes at the moment and distilling it down. There is some high potency white lightning being produced. Stand by loves, Felipe.x

      1. Ann ~ oh good. It is always a minor miracle when things get accomplished with these gizmos. Welcome aboard, felipe.x

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