My Particular Father’s Day

Years ago and far away.

I, particular me, had a great Dad’s Day! From morning to night all good. Hoping that you did as well or that you participated somehow.

Father David started it out by making us all stand up at church and receive applause and then gave us each a flashlight. There he was shining light on the world as usual! Guys and flashlights go together like peanut butter and jelly I would say.

Then watching our dear Mariners play baseball and then I was out in the corn for a few three hours wrestling with the weeds. Jim, one of my archery students has been coming to help out with that and he was there also. Dads in Corn. And Wiley and I got the water system set up and we have been throwing a lot of water at the crop. Way almost knee high way before the Fourth.

My Rebecca took me out for dinner and a show in the evening. We visited Camp Convos a new establishment on Vashon. They have their own beer and food. They feature meat pies, way yum.
Convos by the way is the name of the water between Vashon and the land to the west of the island, that waterway is called Colvos Passage.

Then the show was the best thing that I remember seeing here on Vashon well maybe after all the kid’s plays. Anyway it was called O Brother and was a musical I guess. The plot was that it was the audition for a Island show featuring the music from that great film O Brother Where Art Thou. So, it was a crazy mix of quirky Vashon culture with the fun soulful music of the movie. I laughed and cried my way through the whole thing. Kudos to all involved. Vashon has so much talent and one tends to forget about it til there is a call to arms like this and they come out of the woodwork. I am going to try a lure a few to play at the Veranda maybe.

So, ah right on time, have a walk in a minute. Phil Volker you had better get out there and say a prayer of thanks for all that which was your day yesterday! Oh, and I forgot to say that I heard from both our wonderful kids yesterday, right on time. So everyone got an A plus.

A plus loves, don Felipé.