More On Bacon Milkshakes

The Morris tapestry shows all sorts of connectivity.

THIS IS A DISCLAIMER, there will be nothing about this topic in this whole blogpost so you will have to go elsewhere for recipes and such. Sorry. We might be talking about bacon milkshakes for the mind and spirit perhaps. OK, we have that out of the way.

It is so fun to be working with the great Catalina on the archives of this blog. She is compiling a reasonably sized book from all the major blather of my years of blogging. But at some point I did have a post about the topic of bacon milkshakes and I attracted a whole bunch of visitors that particular day. I think those folks were probably highly disappointed about not getting a bright and shiny recipe or some such token. It was just the usual unusual Felipébabble.

So it is fun reading over Catalina’s shoulder as she goes through the days, months and years of it. Today we were talking about a phrase that I used “cloud of believers” That is related to communion of saints or the flow of pilgrims. Catalina has called it communitas. It speaks to the community of belief that we shared on the Camino and that we still share.

To me now I realize that this is the big payoff, the big takeaway for the walkers of the Camino that “get it” at some point, there or later at home. It is that connnectivity that is so missing in our normal world and that we didn’t know that we craved so.

OK, off to my day.

get it loves, Felipé.

3 thoughts on “More On Bacon Milkshakes”

  1. Communitas, I like that word for the Camino Community. It reminds me of Fraternitas, a word that describes the brotherhood of the Franciscian Order. ❤️

  2. I’m having fun too! Today I got to July 2018. I would have gotten further but there was a hitch with the retro Lourdes posts when Caminoheads went down for a bit. Not to worry, I figured it out and everything is ship-shape, I hope! Speak soon xx

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