(our moon in it’s waxing gibbous phase, 60% illumination)

(photo K Burke)
Man, I didn’t have a minute all day to get the blogpost done till now. And now it is 6PM and the World Series in on the TV and I am trying to catch up on the wine. It is supposed to freeze tonight and tomorrow night so I was running around winterizing. Yup, life in the country.
But the smell topic turned out to be terrific. I don’t know if we are done with it, well I hope not. Originally I thought about the smell communication between us in our small groups. But everyone here added something to expand on that. The smells in the albergues all night long. The smells in large groups like at the pilgrim Mass in Santiago. So we bonded with individuals and with the whole population of the time.
And the painkilling effect of chemical stuff that was flying around. I knew it couldn’t have been all in the ibuprofen 600’s. Just one war story. I remember me at an albergue sleeping in the lower bunk. I had put my glasses in one of my Crocs under the bunk. So yea, during the night a trip to the water closet was in order. So I slip into my crocs and stumble to the facility and back walking on my glasses that whole way. My feet we so torn up that nothing was surprising them, just a little more pain now and then.
Well, I got permission from Caminohead friend Debra to talk about the dream that she had that was meant for me. Yea, but tomorrow. I’m toast for now.
here let me walk on your glasses loves, Felipé.