I know you are probably tired of hearing about this topic but the excitement here is high level. I made this prediction that the sale begins tomorrow. Will that happen? It is trying like mad to be ready I assure you.
So one year ago we were on the trail, on the Camino de Santiago de Compostella. It was that first stage where we getting the hang of the routine. Learning about taking care of the feet and other important matters. Learning how to jettison gear that wasn’t ‘t vital. Learning how to deal with the heat although it would get worse. Seeing amazing old churches and sites. Meeting amazing people with amazing stories. Getting a chance to share our own story. Encountering the natural beauty of Spain. Meeting the Spanish people. Meeting people from all over the world. Getting a chance to help fellow travelers as you let them help you. Learning to trust the Camino, that it would provide. Learning what quaint really means. Seeing what fifty eagles looks like. Spending time. Spending time with yourself, with folks, with God or just spending time.
I could go on I suppose but you get the picture. Would I go again in a minute? Would you go with me? Food for thought as they say, love you immensely, Felipe.
Yes, I would go again in a minute! Thank you for the photo. The landscape of Northern Spain was so different looking in April, but those red tile roofs are unmistakable in any season. Sending you love and blessings this day, Felipe. Buen Camino.
Was thinking back on my walk time with you, Kelly and Esther when the tomato plants I bought on the island where only a couple of leaves. Now they are mature, small jewels I cannot bear to pick. I hope your summer has gone well and I would love to hear about Kelly’s trip and what Rebecca thought about the poems.
Eileen ~ great to hear from you and yes, summer is flying by. Just saw Kelly for the first time yesterday. He got back last Sunday. Anyway his trip sounded short and sweet. And he got to spend quite a bit of time in Santiago. You know, I haven’t had a chance to check out your poems but you started a whole pie thing here on the Island. It’s been peach pies lately but transitioning into blackberry now. Thanks, Felipe.
You’re making me nervous, man. Just using the term “ripen” scares me when we’re talking sweet corn. We don’t even wait for the very last kernels at the tip to change from white to yellow. I know you think you know what good corn tastes like, but just go out and grab a few ears and run to the house as fast as your old legs will take you. The water should be at a full boil by the time you get there. Get the shucks off and most of the silks and drop those puppies into the water for 8 minutes max. Have enough real butter on hand to lather up a whole loaf of your sweet Rebecca’s home made bread and grease those golden ears up till they glisten. A little salt and pepper to suit and dig in. If you can’t eat three of them, you’re a wuss.
Happy Eat’n
PFJ ~ I’m running out to the corn patch right now to grab some to boil up. PFF.
Post Script,
Not only would I go again in a minute, I AM GOING AGAIN. When first grand daughter Kitty is 16 (2017) we’re headed to Iberia and the land of St. James. Write it down.
I’m writing!