Just How Cold Is It Out?

I don’t quite know how cold it is but it’s down there. Heard a rumor last night that this was supposed to be a record cold day here in Amherst. Time for going outside with the kids and blowing bubbles to see if they freeze in midair and other such science experiments. We will put a number on this outside temperature which is 3 degrees F presently and tonight predicted to go down to minus 7. Well, I don’t know how that stacks up in the big picture but it feels darn cold.

Yesterday I went with Yoav on his work day to Mount Wachusett Community College where he is head of the math department. So, I did some great stuff there with my time. I checked in with the vet’s outreach office and talked to the director. He brought me along to a one hour course that happened to be given that day on suicide prevention called QPR. And I explored the library and came away with a discarded book, a cooking and menu dictionary. And I sat in on a math class that Yoav is teaching. Felipe goes to college.

Just briefly on this sucide prevention class; I am excited about this. It is called QPR (Question, Persuade and Refer) and is modeled after CPR and other first aid basic courses. Their site is www.qprinstitute.com . This is out of Spokane, WA but they are present in all fifty states. Taking the course is simple and fast and the method supposedly effective. I am looking forward to learning more about it and getting this going on Vashon. We all learned the Heimlich Maneuver, right?

Well, that was my Camino yesterday and today is still to be discovered. Off to discover, love, Felipe.

2 thoughts on “Just How Cold Is It Out?”

  1. Probly never said it, but yer posts are, well, delightful stop signs at the morning intersection of go or consider. I nearly always head slowly down the road of consider after checking in. Feels like we’re considering together — though we’re way beyond shoutin distance.

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