In Between Showers…

Wisteria holding our house up.
(photo P Volker)

In between showers the light outside has a beautiful quality. It is a pretty morning and I bet that it smells heavenly out there. It’s May and most everything is trying to bloom at once and the air is loaded with fragrance. Nothing is neutral in the atmospheric department around here. Everything is full of invitations.

So what are we, week something or other of the lockdown. I can’t seem to remember anything else. What did we actually do before all this captured us? Before we were the chosen people and now we are refugees in our own land. The need to stay centered and grounded and focused is great. Maybe that is our main work.

I know that writing this blog is one way that grounds me. It is one of the constant heartbeats in my life. The blog is needy and needs constant attention. And so glad that you are here to share this space. It is one of the places of connection for us.

Catherine will be here shortly and time for me to find my rosary. I do miss going to our parish on these Sunday mornings but I also appreciate our pilgrim ability to worship on our own in our own creative ways. God isn’t shut down these days and is most likely more open than “normal”.

More open than “normal” loves, Felipé.