Hotel California Back In The News



This last week I spent time writing my chapter for the Hotel California Writing Project.  Laura from Barcelona signed us up to participate.  It was her brain child I think.  The “Hotel” was our walking (and laughing and crying group) back east of Burgos.  And the “Project” is a series of chapters that are written by “Hotel” members.  Laura wrote the first one and then passed it on, then that person wrote a second chapter to continue the story.  So whenever you got it you had to contend with the plot as established and continue.  I am chapter five so the action was rolling along pretty well by the time I got it.

So, I just got it back to Barcelona and Laura late last night my time.  I don’t know who gets it next but good luck.  The thing is really accumulating volume and momentum quickly like a snowball rolling downhill.  It is really going to be fun to see the whole thing in entirety one of these daze.  Thank you Laura for keeping us challenged and entertained.

I am thinking that this is a sign of an accomplished pilgrim to keep ones fellows along the trail challenged and entertained.  Maybe we can rig up project number two with a little thinking.

Ok, off to Mass and session later with Sister Joyce.  Alperfect here, love, Felipe.