I just wrote an email to my old Caminohead friend Annie and I said something to her that I had to look at again. Maybe marks a new level in finding my way back home after Spain. I wrote,”My reentry is sorting itself out.”
Liking that so much. This is one of the new gifts of the Camino for me and for you maybe. Thank you Maryka and Lucia for helping me with this. In other words, it would be helpful to realize that I can’t affect reentry all by myself, I have to give it a life of it’s own so it can do what it needs to do.
Does that make sense? Maybe someone else could explain that better or just add something to the mix. Please feel free to comment on this or any post.
I got to see Sister Joyce yesterday. What a joy she is. She always leaves with the feeling that we are all in this together. And that is very comforting. Love to all, Phil.